1. What is the cost of the scoreboard?
The scoreboard is provided at no cost to the installation and the golf course.
2. What is the initial role of the Installation Family Support Organization?
The initial role is to work with their Installation’s Garrison Command Group to approve the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Non-Appropriated Funds Contract. FMI will prepare the initial draft documents. We will also provide the installation with executed MOA’s and Contracts from other Installations. IMCOM G9 has approved the program for the Army at an installation level. The Department of the Air Force and Army have approved the program as a Public, Private Partnership (P3). FMI can provide installations with relevant documentation to assist in this process.
3. Who signs the MOA/Contract?
The MOA/Contract is executed between the Director of the Military Family Support Organization and FMI Defense.
4. After the MOA/Contract has been executed, what’s next?
Once the MOA/Contract is signed the installation works with their Director of Golf and FMI to determine the best location for the scoreboard. The installation then makes their selections for scoreboard and awning colors, logos and fonts.
5. What on-going role does the installation play?
FMI handles all the sales. The installation has final approval of all sponsors and sponsorship advertisements.
6. What role does the Director of Golf play?
The Director of Golf selects the design for each of the scoring panels and works with the installation and FMI to select the location of the scoreboard. After the scoreboard is in place the golf course maintenance crew provides minor upkeep of the scoreboard similar to other structures on the course.
7. What benefits are there to the installation and golf courses?
a) The scoreboard raises the professional look and tournament experience of the golf course and will bring more tournaments to the facility.
b) FMI provides the golf course a one-time $5000 stipend to beautify the area surrounding the scoreboard.
c) The installation receives direct revenue from the sale of the sponsorships on the scoreboard.
d) The FMI Reward Card Program will fill available tee times. These additional rounds of golf will significantly increase cart rentals and golf course services activity such as the practice range along with pro shop and food and beverage sales. We estimate that an additional $20,000 in revenue will be realized for every 1000 rounds the Reward Cards generate.
8. What happens when the scoreboard is in need of repair?
FMI provides a lifetime warranty on every component of the scoreboard.